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- V I D E O P O K E R
- Program by Edward Rainey
- Text by Fender Tucker
- If your state has been bitten by the gambling bug you've probably seen
- Video Poker machines pop up in every nook, cranny and truck stop in town.
- And why not? Adults need mindless electronic stimulation, too. Back in
- the 50s when I was a kid there were pinball machines and pool tables --
- which were illegal for minors -- to separate the men from the boys. But
- then somehow it was decided that pinball and pool weren't harmful to minors
- and so adults were driven away from the pool halls, which became "family
- billiard parlors". Who wants to cuss and spit when there's a bunch of
- rugrats around?
- So here we go again, blurring the distinction between "adult" and
- "child" by bringing you VIDEO POKER on computer. Since you can't really
- lose any money by playing on computer -- unless the computer is owned by a
- mercenary -- anyone can play this game.
- Ed Rainey wrote this program using Jon Mattson's CONTROL80-C which was
- published on LS 128 #22. It's my favorite BASIC extension for the C-128
- and has a card font built in so it takes a lot of the work out of writing
- card games for the computer. Ed is a relative newcomer to programming but
- has been published several times on LS 128 because he recognized how
- powerful CONTROL80-C is.
- VIDEO POKER works a lot like the gambling machines. The game is five-
- card draw with one joker. You are dealt five cards and you choose which
- ones you want to keep by pressing the 1 through 5 keys. If you change your
- mind about a card, press that number again and it will be un-chosen. When
- you are ready for your replacement cards, press SPACE.
- Your hand is evaluated (by Maurice Jones' nifty routine ported over
- from the C-64) and if you had a winning hand you are paid off. Ed has kept
- the betting simple: you bet $1 per hand for 20 hands. At that point, if
- you have made the top ten lst in winnings, you can enter your name on the
- list.
- -----------------------
- Ed has provided two options for scoring. The LOADSTAR odds are much
- "looser" than VEGAS odds and pay off more liberally. If you can't build up
- a hefty bankroll by playing LOADSTAR odds, then you are undoubtedly lucky
- in love. Using the VEGAS odds you have about as much chance of losing your
- shirt (virtually) as you do breaking the bank. Start out with the LOADSTAR
- odds but don't consider yourself an Amarillo Slim until you make the high
- scores list using VEGAS odds.
- NOTE: At the high scores screen you can clear the list if you wish. Since
- it really isn't fair to compare LS odds scores against VEGAS odds scores,
- you may want to clear the scores when you change modes.
- -----------
- VIDEO POKER plays a lot like the real machines but only for 5-Card Draw
- with one Joker (or JOKER POKER). The machines often have about ten
- different poker varieties: Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Cajun Poker, etc.
- If anyone who understands and enjoys these varieties wants to take Ed's
- program and embellish it so that it offers a variety of games, you have
- Ed's and my complete blessing. Send it to me and you can bet it'll look
- good on a future LS 128.
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